Wednesday 22 September 2010

Sampai Kapan Akhirnya Saya akan Menulis

Blog ini sebenarnya sedikit berubah dari tujuan awalnya. Awal mula blog ini dibuat. Tadinya, blog ini saya bayangkan akan seperti blog fashion-blog fashion yang ada pada umumnya, tapi karena satu dan hal lainnya, saya belum bisa mewujudkan hal itu. Semua sepenuhnya saya persalahkan atas diri saya yang masih belum bisa konsisten dengan apa yang saya kerjakan.

Jadi, ya sudahlah gpp ini blog saya isi sama sampah-sampah curhatan saya, itung-itung latian nulis. Yang penting saya isi tiap hari, apapun itu isinya. Ga ada tujuan sih, cuma ingin menulis, syukur-syukur bisa melatih saya agar mulai konsisten. Lagian followernya masih sedikit, saya bisa lebih bebas menuangkan isi pikiran.
Ngomong-ngomong ga ada hal penting yang ingin saya tulis, meskipun kepala ini lagi penatnya minta ampun. Dijejali banyak pikiran aneh. Tentang keluarga (terutama), kuliah, cinta-cintaan, masa depan, pertemanan. banyak deh. sampai-sampai saya bingung dari mana saya harus mulai cerita.

Oh iyaa, mungkin bisa saya ceritakan satu persatu saja berdasarkan tema-tema tertentu. Tematik gitu sifatnya.

Masih rumit. Kadang saya sampai berpikir, sampai kapan saya bisa bertahan? Kalau bukan gara-gara adik saya yang begitu kuat menanggung banyak beban. Bertanggung jawab sama banyak hal. Kenapa ada manusia-manusia yang begitu tidak sadar, mereka telah menyakiti banyak pihak? Ketika hingga saat ini, saya tidak mengintervensi kalian itu hanya gara-gara Ibu saya. Dan saya menghindari pertengkaran dengannya. Bagaimana bisa kalian merongrong masalah 'membeli rumah', jika kalian (sangat mungkin) tahu, kami anak-anaknya yang merantau mencari ilmu, hidup pas-pasan, bahkan terkadang harus pinjam sana-sini demi bisa makan atau sekedar jajan atau sekedar beli baju baru (yang itu pun harus dengan pintar kami pilih di awul-awul). Sampai kapan kalian bisa hidup mandiri dengan kehidupan sendiri? Sampai kapan Ibu kami mesti menanggung beban berat di pundaknya??
Diatas segalanya, saya selalu berdoa untuk kebaikkan kalian.

sampai kapan Abah mau nganggur? sampai kapan? padahal usia Abah masih produktif. Meskipun iya, Abah sebelumnya kerja. Abah pensiun dini dari Telkom, tp tetap saja sudah 4 tahun ini Abah nganggur. Saya sudah menyelesaikan buku biografi Amien Rais yang ditulis oleh anaknya. Saya miris, saya rindu punya bapak dengan karakter yang kuat. Bukan karakter yang plin-plan seperti Abah. Bukan karakter yang beraninya dibelakang. Bukan karakter yang belum bisa membela anak-anaknyanya padahal sudah dibikin berantem versus mama, sama manusia-manusia itu. Bukan karakter yang selalu membuat banyak target tetapi hanya sedikit sekali dan bahkan tidak ada yang tercapai.

sampai kapan ma? kapan mata mama bisa terbuka? kapan mama bisa fokus? kapan mama bisa berhenti berbohong??

Ini. Kuliah. Belum ada passion yang berarti, tapi saya harus mengalahkan kebosanan ini. saya selalu mensugesti diri saya yang sedang malas ini. sugesti bahwa saya malas kuliah karena kelamaan liburan. Well, let see..

So far berjalan saja. Kadang saya merasa kurang bersyukur punya pacar sebaik Imam. Kebaikannya luar biasa. Malah bikin saya makin hari makin lama makin sayang. Hingga tak terasa hubungan saya sudah dua tahun dengan dia. Tapi ada beberapa saja yang mengganjal. Sifat kita sepertinya terlalu sama, pembosan, tidak suka terikat, dan pada dasarnya introvert (meskipun dari luar saya terlihat cerewet kayak bebek/ekstrovert). Ini repotnya. kita naik turun bareng-bareng. Masalah apa aja, jadi saling bersandar. Dan saling bersandar itu bikin kita bisa naikkk bgt atau turun bgt. Proyeksi masa depan? semoga saya bisa sampai di meja akad penghulu. Tapi, siapa yang tahu?? Jodoh dan Takdir, saya percaya sudah ditentukan dengan detail sama yang diatas :)

Bye now,
Besok saya nulis lagi :)

Friday 18 June 2010

Thursday 27 May 2010

Secret Garden, The Wildest Thing I Ever Dream

Then the crowd began to head for the horizon

A million people walking back to work

But you and me we just laid down in the garden

Yeah you and me we just laid down in the garden

(Take That – The Garden)

Hey!! This is my second post in this blog. Since days ago, I just wasn’t having some spare time to write again. I have so many task from college and a few fabric to sew, so they are just need some extra time. But fortunately, in my before-sleep-time, I steal a few times to read a book. Read again actually (when I was a young girl, I couldn’t stop to read and read again) one of my favorite classic tale, Secret Garden, written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. So I can tell you these things

But anyway, this my Secret Garden novel is a new one. The Secret Garden book that I had when I was a child is lost somewhere. Maybe in my old house, or in my cousins house, I didn’t know exactly. So, days ago, I found a Secret Garden novel translated to Bahasa Indonesia in a bookstore and I decided to bought the novel.

It has a beautiful artwork, so vintage and look old. The design really will take you to an atmosphere of a garden who full with a secret, trees, flowers and a beautiful bird.

The story is about Mary Lennox, an orphaned girl from India who moved to her uncle house in Yorkshire, England. The house is very big, with almost 100 rooms which some of them locked. And the house has a big yard with several gardens. But there was one garden that had been locked for ten years. It locked since her aunt death. She found the secret garden and it’s not only make her happy but some others too. After read the book, I felt asleep and dream about having rabit, squirrel, babygoat beside me, while me and someone laying in the garden. Yay!!Anyway, year ago. Me and Diela have found a secret garden behind my rent house. It's dirty actually. But there are some great place to take some picture.

Saturday 22 May 2010

A Little Footstep

Hallo Everyone ☺
My name is Intan. Gee! What a strange introduction? Well, maybe it’s kind of a very shy beginning of me. Because I m very bad in writing. And also my life isn’t that really interesting to write in a blog and to be shared to you all. I’m just an ordinary girl who loves simply things that sometime bizarre and maybe a lil bit quirky. I ll be glad if someone call it a fashion blog/fashion page (because yes, I have a marvelous passion for fashion and maybe fashion will take most part of my blog) but actually the blog later will be filled with my daily story, my thought, my photos, my DIY project, my journey anything. Umm, if my mood is in a very happy situation and I have more cash in my pocket, I ll gift you, who read my blog, a little giveaway like bag, pretty vintage dress, shoes anything that I can find in thrift store, my favorite store (just wait ;) ). Last, if my cash getting less, you can shop in my wardrobe :D. And I hope I can share well everything to you all.

Then, it will be better if I start to introduce myself. My name is Intan Reza, almost 23 year old (OMG, I feel so old, hahaha). But my body is a very tiny, even some people think that I’m only a child (they call me Esther from Orphan movie). You can imagine, my weight is only about 36/37 kilograms and my hight isn’t reach 150 cm. Anyway my hair, fuhh my hair is wavy. But not kind of good wavy haircut. Sometime it’s pathetic I think (in Sundaness, my cousins call it krisye : kriting syedih). It’s thin but looks so tick. Some cousins even call me lion-hair. Anyway, I rarely go to salon. For many years, one of my cousin do some haircut for me. Because it’s difficult for hairstyles to cut and shape my hair. You can imagine tiny me with a unshaped-curly hair. This combination was making me unconfident during my childhood. But now, it s ok, I start to learn loving this strange hair :). Beside, the best way to loving yourself is to accept what you really are, right?

Now I live in Jogjakarta, a very wonderful city. I have to stay here because I take a college in this city called UGM. I take Communication Science, in Faculty of Social and Political Science. Before move to Jogja, in 2006, I was live in Depok, the city near the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. I took a college in University of Indonesia, took Political Science. In 2008, I decided to move my college to UGM with a different subject and I have to start the college from the beginning. I knew that it wasted my time, but I swear, I SWEAR I don’t regret, because Jogja (its people, its music scene, its city itself) my college are great, my friends are just GREAT ☺

And now, in daily life, I just an ordinary campus student who have so much lazy time. I don’t have any busy activities, except taking French course in Lembaga Indonesia Prancis, Jogja (which stop-for-a-while now) doing some campus tasks, watching some gigs, dress and taking some photos with my besti Diela Ranihadi, citywalking with mon cher Imam Solihin and sewing with a happy face (later going to do with my dad-gift-sewing-machine Juki, still in myhometown)

Anyway, maybe some of you want to know, why I named my blog aunt lulla. Actually, my eks-boyfriend gave me that name many years ago and it's simply just because I love lulla name. So, thank a lot to Hendra Permana (he's a very talented designer)

And millions thank to my dear Imam Solihin who teach me to use blogspot. FYI, i am a very low-tech girl who just hates HTML and kind of stuff.

To Dreamiy Girl, who has a very wonderful blog. She keep tell me to make a blog and now I finaly just make it though it haven't perfect yet.

Btw, my English is not really good anyway. But maybe later, sometime I write in Indonesia, or even my mother language Sundanesse :D